Best and Niche Marketing, we hate marketing. And branding. And communication.
It's true. If you've ever hired someone to design a logo to "look better," ever spent a month on Google ads and decided it wasn't for you, ever Instagrammed 4x a day because you heard its something "you're supposed to do," then you probably hate marketing, too. Best & Niche is changing that.
It's in our name. We market for the best small businesses working in niche markets throughout Colorado and beyond. We believe in simple, straightforward communication. Proof? Just look at this website.
Startups and small businesses usually can't afford a large marketing firm. They also can't afford not to do marketing. We try to write contracts that pay out based on results. That way we all win.
Best & Niche Marketing starts with best practices. Take website conversion, for example. Do you have a clear Call-to-Action? You need a clear call to action. That's a given. Then we test page variations to find out what CTA is best for your company. Then we test our strategies through data analytics, surveys and A/B testing. That way we're always improving.
Finally, we believe in patience. Unless you're hiring us for a one-off project, we require at least a six month commitment. It takes time to interpret data. We want to know what is working and why it's working.
We're about boosting profits. We do it through data, strategy and and written content Any other approach is a waste of your money.
Best & Niche is based out of Colorado Springs, Colorado. We love it here: the mountains, the coffee, the breweries and the people. It's not a perfect city. But that's a good thing. It means we have a chance to make it even better.
From hiking in the summer to snowboarding in the winter, we're always out and about. We kinda wish the coffee shops here sold 16oz cortados, but if they did that then we'd probably be dead of caffeine overdoses.
Colorado Springs people, let's get in touch! And even if you're far away, drop a line!
TJ Neathery started Best & Niche Marketing because he thought there was a better way to do marketing. He'd spent enough time meandering through different marketing departments to know it was time for a change.
Hourly and salary-based marketing just wasn't working for anyone. He wanted to feel personally and financially invested in his clients' successes. The traditional boss-employee relationship didn't allow his clients to embrace a mindset of change and inventiveness they needed to grow profits.
TJ Neathery has a background in non-profit marketing. If he could sell raise money for an organization without selling products, imagine what he could do with high-quality goods or services as ammo.
He also holds a Masters of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing. Like writing a good story, he loves taking clients through a series emotional experiences. And there's a certain level of empathy creative writers have to connect with customer needs.
Best & Niche Marketing grows profits for small businesses and startups by providing tailored marketing services based on data, strategy and written content.
To promote creative and ethical business practices across the country through our client work and online blog community.
Why do you use "we" when it's just you running Best & Niche Marketing?
If you're visiting this site, it probably means you share the same approach to marketing. Or you're lost. But Best & Niche is looking for like-minded clients.
Also, all contracts are considered partnerships. You know your business. I don't. I can't make your profits explode. But we can.